None of us come with an Owner's Manual. We
learn about ourselves as we develop. Sometimes, when we get
counselling or other types of therapy, this provides us with
an opportunity to add another few chapters to our Owner's
Manual. |
This Self-Managed Journey is
based on a Basic Empowerment
Plus® Evaluation. This is an approach that I use it with
all of my clients. It is something that can be useful to people
of all ages. Going through the steps in this journey helps you to
get a better idea about this approach to wellness. Then you can
decide if it makes sense for you. If you, your child or someone
else you are concerned about fits the classic patterns that are
described, you will know what to do to help that person achieve
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As you can see from the diagram below, we will
be exploringfive
areas of functioning:
- Attention
- Learning
- Personality
- Food Sensitivities
- Other Factors
Many of my clients find that this process helps
them to better understand, accept,
and celebratethemselves.
It also helps to solve many of their concerns. I hope that this
is true for you as well. If you are following the Self-Managed Journey
on behalf of someone else please substitute his or her name for
the term "you".
For each step, there is a separate page outlining
the goals, general procedure and detailed instructions. If you need
more information, there is a We're
Here to Help Page following each step. This page contains
suggestions, ideas, and useful links to explore each area further.
It also contains a Self-Evaluation. 
The 12-item Health and Wellness Survey will help you measure how you are doing now. It can also pinpoint your specific areas of need.
Remember that direct assistance is always
possible through
Chat! |
you want to get the most out of this process, I
encourage you to do EVERY STEP. Take your time and enjoy
learning more about yourself. It can also be very helpful to have
a person, who knows you well, assist you with this process. Their
opinion of this "helper" is important and can help you
to figure out some of the answers.
Print your own journey
circle and use it like I have (see my
example) as you go through your journey.
Let's begin... Step One: Attention

In the following section, there
are some FAQ and answers. They are not an essential part of the
Self-Managed Journey. It's up to you whether or not you have a look
at them now, later or not at all. The questions are listed first
and then the questions with their answers follow.
Q1: Why is the Empowerment Plus® process called an integrated,
wholistic, cost-effective journey to wellness?
It is:
- "Integrated"
or balanced because it includes both natural and traditional
approaches to wellness
- "Wholistic"
- because we look at the whole person - mind, body and spirit
- "Cost-effective"
because research
has shown that this approach can help many people with a minimum
of cost-time, effort and financial investment.
This method is also practical, because the
information you learn about yourself is useful and can be used
right away. Lastly, it is respectful of your values and beliefs.
Q2: Whom does it help?
A: The
purpose of the Empowerment Plus® approach and this Self-Managed
Journey is to help you understand, accept and celebrate yourself.
It can be helpful to people of all ages from all walks of life
facing many different types of challenges. It may not be all you
need, but it may give you a good start.
You may already be feeling good and want to
use this process, to make sure that you are not missing anything
that could help you even more. Or you may have challenges in being
able to concentrate, learn, achieve, be productive, feel happy,
calm, and peaceful and/or get along with others. In this case,
there is sure to be some information that should help you.
How effective is the Empowerment Plus® method?
Many of my clients find that the Basic
Empowerment Plus® Evaluation (see FAQ 7)
is all they need to reach their goals. Others need more individual
help. You won't know how it works for you until you try!
Q4: How long will the
Self-Managed Journey take?
This journey could take you a week, a month, a year or more, depending
on your own needs, choices and how fully you decide to participate.
You may find that you are part of the 84% of my clients who feel
better within one week. Of this group, 13% have symptoms that
disappear completely! This happens after they take a food(s) out
of their diet (Step Four). In this case, you will be done within
a week!
Or, you may need more time to understand yourself.
Perhaps you will find that you start doing better in school or
work once you understand your learning strengths and challenges
(Step Two). Perhaps you will find it useful to know what you need
to be successful according to your personality type (Step Three).
Or it may be that you need more individual help in order to feel
better (see FAQ 5).
Q5: What if I need more
help than this?
In this case, you may want to work together directly with me (Let's
Chat!) or find someone else who can assist you. Options
include further help through the Links to other web sites that
are listed at the end of each Step. You may also wish to order
some of the Self-Help Books, Videos and Materials. There are Workshops
and Consultations available for Professionals who want to use
these tools with their clients
Q6: What will I get out
of this journey?
As a result of this journey, you will better understand yourself
and/or those you work with, in terms of:
Step One: Attention:
- If there is a concern in this area
- How it affects you and what to do about
Step Two: Learning
- If you have a challenge in this area
- What to use as by-pass strategies in order
to be successful
- Likely causes and treatments for any reading
Step Three: Personality
- What your preferences are
- What you need to do to have optimum energy,
the ability to communicate effectively with others, and efficient
time management.
Step Four: Food Sensitivities
- If removing certain foods (e.g., dairy products,
wheat, corn or sugar) for a week helped you to feel better
- What you can do to deal with any food sensitivities
Step Five: Other Factors
- What makes you the unique person that you
- If there are additional concerns that need
to be treated to help you be the best you can be as naturally
as possible
Q7: How do you normally
work with your clients?
A: When
I work with clients, I follow the Empowerment Plus® process.
It usually consists of three phases:
Phase 1
- A Group Information Session - this is a 1-hour lecture that
explains the method. The video on the main page will give you the same information.
Phase 2
- A Basic Empowerment Plus®
Evaluation - this is a process that has three individual sessions
and a follow-up telephone interview. This can be done in person,
through the Internet or via long distance or local telephone calls.
- Individual
Session #1 - 2.5 hours - consultative assessment to explore
each of the five areas in the order they are presented on this
web site. At the end of the first session, we select one food
for removal from the diet for one week.
- Individual
Session #2 - 2.5 hours - held one week after Session
#1. During this session, we can usually make a diagnosis (Dx)
and decide upon treatment strategies (Tx). For instance, if
there is a diagnosis of AD/HD, clients make a choice of whether
or not they wish to try medication or more natural treatments.
- Individual
Session #3 - 1 hour - held 3-6 weeks after Session #2
in order to evaluate the success of the treatment strategies.
Phone Interview - 15 minutes - held 3 months after final
Phase 3
- Additional services are arranged if needed. This might include
counselling, treatment for trauma and/or formal psycho educational

Q8: How is this Self-Managed Journey different from what you do with your clients?
What I do with my clients is very similar to this Self-Managed Journey. Some of the differences are:
- We talk directly to each other
- We begin with goal-setting (see examples
of goals)
- We measure changes in goals at various points
(e.g., the beginning, after one week and at the end of our work
- We can make a diagnosis (e.g., AD/HD, LD,
depression) if that is desired
Q9: What if I want this
kind of help and I don't live close to you?
There are many ways that you can access my services. Telephone
and Internet consultations are now available. For more information
Contact Us and/or Resources.
Q10: How is your way of
working different from that of other psychologists?
I have many of the same skills and follow the same ethical guidelines,
however I work very differently from other psychologists.
- I ask that potential clients to decide if the process
I use makes sense before our first appointment.
- I talk
about learning and attentional challenges in positive ways.
I try to avoid using words like "deficit", "disorder"
or dysfunction". I will write them in reports, if necessary,
but not use them in the office. For instance, I call Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ADD "Attention Deluxe
Dimension" and instead of Learning Disabilities, I say
"Learning Discrepancies"
- I believe in giving IQ, achievement and
personality tests only if we can't find the answers out in any
other way. It has been my experience that normal testing procedures
are expensive and time-consuming and often give more information
than clients can use or understand. Under some circumstances,
such as an fatigue, stress or feeling unwell, the individual's
test results may not be a good refection of a their true ability.
I find that describing classic patterns (e.g., in learning,
personality and food sensitivities), and having clients recognize
themselves, helps me to understand clients very quickly. This
takes a lot less time and
is less expensive for clients. And it seems to get very
good results!
- I have people take a food
out of their diet the first week of working together.
This is very controversial. However, it allows us to find out
the role that food is playing in how they think, feel and behave.
I have found that this approach gives very good results and
makes the road to recovery much faster.
- I believe that medication
has a place in the treatment of AD/HD, Depression, etc.
but it belongs "at the caboose of the train rather than
near the engine".
- I believe that we are each
beautifully and wonderfully made.
One of the secrets to happiness is
learning how to
keep our mind in the present
moment while being connected
to Spirit for wisdom and guidance for our everyday choices.
It also helps if we can understand who we are and what we need
to be successful. I call it writing our own "Owner's Manual".
If we can then accept and celebrate who we are, we can be channels
of God's Light and Love in the world. This is the path to happiness.

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